
Friday, August 19, 2011

Mom's Birthday

Today is mom's birthday. We went to Jusco Permas Jaya to buy a birthday cake for her in the afternoon. First we went to the Baskin Robin's to have a look of their ice-cream cake. Hoping for a cheap ice-cream cake but it was expensive for us to buy it =( Ok. Next, we went to Lavender to search for any nice cake. Unfortunately, there were not much choices for us to choose. Finally, we went to the bread shop to continue our hunting for the birthday cake. This time we managed to choose a mango cake. The price was reasonable too. After we bought the cake, I decided to take a body check up via the machine there. Below is our result of body check up. ^^

Left: DNA (Me), Middle: Rachel, Right: Vivian

Felt quite relieve after the check up. I thought my body fat percentage was high because I like to eat oily food such as fried food, chicken wing, curry and etc. (=''=) In fact my body fat percentage was ideal~ =) Haha~ Thank God~ 

Later at night we celebrated mom's birthday with the birthday cake. It was her 50th birthday. Hopefully my mom will be healthy and happy always. Blessed birthday to my mom. Amen.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Praise Him Anything, Anytime, Anywhere

Last Sunday, as usual I went church to listen what the pastor preached. He said, we should praise the Lord anytime. Many people only seek God when they have troubles, guess I'm one of them too... =( We should change this kind of attitude because our God has given us His love without any conditions, yet we, the powerless and weak human only praise Him with condition, that is only when we are facing trouble??? Oh God please forgive our negligence to You.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Plans Gone Wrong Contest In DeviantART

As you can see from the title, yes, I'm taking part in the other contest in DeviantART too besides the Scribble contest. This contest is also interesting. It requires cropping skill and a good creative combination skill. I have learnt how to edit pictures by using layers. Feel happy and content~ At least I have learnt something~ Haha! In this contest, we are required to choose at least one panda, one light and one pie to make a combination of picture which fulfill the theme of Plans Gone Wrong. Those pictures are given by them. Have a look at my masterpiece:

Hmm... The background sure needs a lot of improvement. ==! Anyway hope to win the prize because it is so luxury~ ><

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Participation In DeviantART

Today I have just submitted my artwork to DeviantART's Scribble Contest. Why suddenly participate? Because I am still having my long semester break holidays. Since I have nothing to do at home, why not try my luck to participate in it? Yes I know the chances of winning are slim, but no harm trying it~ =) The contest is like this: They give you a random combination of lines to download. Then our challenge is to look at the drawing creatively and find an object or scene within the randomness to bring a whole new meaning to the piece. The original picture looks like this:

What would you think of when you see these kind of lines???
This is my idea and creation:

After coloring and editing, it looks like this:

Yes this is what I have submitted. There are many more contestants' pictures nicer than mine. Do I stand a chance to win? LOL


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