
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Temptation? Testing?

Went Today's Market yesterday night. Dad had his haircut there. When we were approaching to our car, suddenly a guy appeared and he flashed out a samsung galaxy S3 smartphone. He was going to sell it to dad for RM300. But dad rejected him and told him that he did not bring much money with him. Then, the man lowered the price to RM200, from his expression I could tell that he was so desperate for money. He told dad that he needed some money to go home. Then, me and my sister just asked dad to ignore him and we just got into our car. But he still pestered my dad and said, "Ok, last call, RM150, you tolong saya lah!" Suddenly dad hesitate and asked him what kind of phone was that (Sorry, my dad doesn't know much about the latest model of smartphones ==). When he knew that it was S3, he said it was very cheap and asked us whether we want it or not. Then I told dad in a lower voice, "No, don't buy that, it was obviously a stolen phone... Nowadays people can track their lost phones easily..." and blah blah blah... While talking, I suddenly remembered my first handphone, that Sony Ericsson W910i was stolen before, too. :( If we buy it from him, we are condoning his mistakes! But dad repeated, "Very cheap leh, want or not?" "Of course cheap lah! Why don't you go steal? Even cheap, no need to spend a single cent!" I said. Yes, we were as if the man's accomplice in stealing if we buy from him! Then my sis also agreed and said impatiently, "Just start the car and go! Don't bother him!" Finally, we did not buy it from him.

This incident made me ponder. I admit that I also wanted to buy that phone in a cheap price. For a second, really, I was greedy and I felt like asking my dad to accept the deal although my mouth kept telling my dad not to buy it! But my timid nature (Scared get caught, Scared die, Scared of disgrace, Scared of no pride...) had prevent me to do so. == Or perhaps this was because of the holy spirit within me which prevent me from committing any sins. We brought this topic even when we reached home. I told my sis, "Maybe God was testing us just now. If we bought it, maybe God will be disappointed in us." "Maybe God will cry~" I added some humor behind. Then my sis said, "Yea... Eh, no.. God will not test us, only Satan will. God only will allow Satan to test us!" And she began her preach. ==

Then I thought again because I suddenly remembered that my sis once reminded us that we Christians are responsible to uphold justice. We were still wrong although we did not buy that stolen phone with a cheap price! Because we did not ask that fellow to change and learn from his mistakes! And we did not report this incident to the police! Oh no! These are easier said that done! It is so difficult.... to become a real Christian... T____T


Princess Neverland said...

I like this post leh!

Princess Neverland said...

And your English is still that good @@ 难道我这辈子都 reach bu dao your level?

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