
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cousin's Wedding

After being two weeks at here, finally I can take this opportunity to go back to my hometown to meet my family. =) Initially we planned to go back in the evening after my sister's last class on that day. But since she had decided to skip class (in the end the class was cancelled too =.=), she asked me to meet her up at TBS earlier. Finally we took bus to Muar at 3:40 p.m. and reached there at about 6 p.m.

The next morning, we had church service. Long time didn't see my cousin, Ivan already. He patted my head and gave me a hug, as if I am still a kid. Yea I'm always a kid to him, maybe. :O Although it was his wedding, we gave many attentions to the kids. =.= Dylan and Danielle are so cute. However, at church we only managed to take some photos with  Danielle  as Dylan was crying for don't know what reason... == At home, we played with Beverly. She's like a genius. She knows a lot of things although she's 4 years old. She thinks and speaks maturely too. At night we went Ivan's house and we played with Dylan and Danielle again. Listened to Dylan's story about Plant VS Zombies for the whole night. Haha...

Actually, I enjoyed my conversation with Beverly and Dylan very much. We speak English. This reminds me of my childhood. Yes, I can entertain Dylan because I know Pokemon, Plant VS Zombies, Power Rangers, Ultraman and etc. And he likes to imagine things as I do. English speaking children are cute~!!! XD


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