
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Shell Career Day

Yesterday I went for the Shell Career Day. It started at 8am, but I woke up at 7.35am. Looking at the time, still wondering whether I should go there or not. Thinking of several factors like I never went that place before so I was not sure exactly where the place is, I only know that it was nearby my kolej, what should I bring? I didn't do any preparations for this, what should I wear? Was it worth going? I don't have any friends going there with me, I'm all alone, was it too early for me to attend this since I'm not a final year student? and blah blah blah... LOL I'm really a troublesome person. At last I made my decision to go there to learn something. I reached there at 8am and there was nobody there. But then slowly there were more and more people arrived.

Had a small talk with a guy who was taking Physics course. Then, I saw some of my kolej's seniors too. People who were taking various courses came. eg: Statistics, Environmental Science, Engineering, Business, Physics... Then I registered myself at the counter and took a goodies bag. There were two notebooks, a pen and a brochure with Shell Company logo inside... Like it so much~ >w< Then I simply found a place and sat. The workshop was useful. They taught us how to write resume and how to deal with an interview, what does Shell requires, how to fill in the form nicely in order to join Shell... They also told us about their experience, why Shell  is good, how they enter Shell... Haha... Had a relaxing moment there. This experience is EXACTLY like last year I attended the Leadership course in Melaka! Listening talks in a comfortable area ALONE! LOL! I'm a loner without friends accompany me... T-T Eat ALONE, sit ALONE, went back kolej ALONE... and when I walked back there was a heavy rain welcome me! The wind blew strongly until I felt my umbrella like going to fly away. And since the rain was heavy, my shoes and shorts were soaked wet. But when I reached my room, the rain STOPPED... ... ... What a day! Ok. That's all. I don't wanna talk more already. Bye bye!


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