
Friday, November 23, 2012

Silly me

It's not the first time, but it has been quite a very long time that I did not experience this nervousness before. Entered the exam hall, well it's just a lecture hall which I'm always having my class there actually. The seats were very close to each other. Many people arrived before us and they already chose a seat and settled down there. Normally I will sit at the front, but not too front. But this time I sat in the middle. However, most of my course mates sat around me. Thinking that the seats were close, maybe we can have some discussions (I also don't know why I had this thinking suddenly). 

Soon, the exam started, and I was stunned by the question. Actually we were given some hints before the exam, the lecturer said one of the questions requires us to plot graph. And there were only 2 questions on the paper. I started to look at the first question, and I think that's the one which we had to plot the graph in order to solve some questions below it. But what kind of graph should I plot? Actually I don't really know how to solve it. When I took the graph paper, I took a glance at the people around me. What?! Nobody is plotting the graph! They are all writing! Some are writing non-stop! Then I began to feel panic. Could it be the second question that requires us to plot the graph? But it doesn't seem so. Oh no! What should I do now? And you know, when I feel panic, my brain freezes completely. This was an one hour exam. And I only sat down, doing nothing, watching people writing continuously which I don't know what are they actually writing. I looked at the time, it was 8:44 pm. There is about half an hour more to go. Many things came across my mind. I will probably fail in this paper, is it? Oh God, please let me write at least something, teach me how to do as You promised. Those boys who sat around me would probably think that I can do it huh?! But I felt that they were also writing something. Then I saw Adrian, same like me, doing nothing. But this is normal to him. He's always like that! == And he looked at me, I think he also wonder why I did not start. Finally, I started to overcome my fear after praying for a while. Ignoring the first question, I started to do the second question first and it was quite ok since I can start to think.

After finishing the second question, I viewed my surroundings again. And I saw some people started to do on the graph paper already. And then, rupanya I said, rupanya! They also don't know how to do the first question and quickly do the second question first! No wonder no one was plotting the graph from the start! Only silly me  easily get influenced and affected by others!

I should have this kind of thinking 原来你不会做,别人也一样不会做... But cannot always have this thinking, it sounds cocky and this is not always true :(

Or perhaps I should not sit among so many people. Please, isolate me and leave me alone next time. Sometimes I really prefer to be alone. Having people around me will only limit my confidence and thinking. It is the same like doing presentation or speaking in front of others. Some people's advice, treat the audience as your friend, and you won't get nervous. But sorry to say that, I can't do that, especially in front of the pros, the look of their eyes are full of condemns and it makes me afraid to speak. Maybe I just think too much, but I really can't help to think so.

Ok. Enough of the grumbles. Thank God at least I wrote something. :)

**我也是很过分的咯,感谢的话才一句,埋怨的话就一大篇** ==


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